How your used Christmas tree can feed some hungry animals at this farm
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How your used Christmas tree can feed some hungry animals at this farm

We’re officially past the holiday season, so if you’re ready to get rid of your Christmas tree, you can make some animals very happy by donating it. Christmas trees are the seasonal special on the menu at Unity Farm in Sherborn. “They have Vitamin C, minerals, they are a natural de-wormer just like pumpkins are, so they’re really healthy for them as long as they haven’t been sprayed,” Unity Farm Co-Founder Kathy Halamka said. “Just like we probably shouldn’t open the bag of Oreos and eat the whole bag at once, we try not to give them too many at one time.”So far, the farm has received about 300 trees. They expect to get upwards of 1,000 trees by the end of January. The goats, sheep, and cows not only love munching on the tasty trees, but they have fun with them as well. “When Dudley, our big Scottish highland over there likes to play, he can toss it straight into the air, it just depends on his mood,” Halamka said. Unity Farm is a non-profit sanctuary so any Christmas tree donations are greatly appreciated as long as they are safe for the animals. “The trees need to be from small farms, local ideally, organic is the best,” Halamka said. “We can’t accept any trees that might have come from a big box store. We have to take it on faith that the people who drop off their trees have been listening to us.”You can drop off your trees at 17 Unity Lane in Sherborn.

We’re officially past the holiday season, so if you’re ready to get rid of your Christmas tree, you can make some animals very happy by donating it.

Christmas trees are the seasonal special on the menu at Unity Farm in Sherborn.


“They have Vitamin C, minerals, they are a natural de-wormer just like pumpkins are, so they’re really healthy for them as long as they haven’t been sprayed,” Unity Farm Co-Founder Kathy Halamka said. “Just like we probably shouldn’t open the bag of Oreos and eat the whole bag at once, we try not to give them too many at one time.”

So far, the farm has received about 300 trees. They expect to get upwards of 1,000 trees by the end of January.

The goats, sheep, and cows not only love munching on the tasty trees, but they have fun with them as well.

“When Dudley, our big Scottish highland over there likes to play, he can toss it straight into the air, it just depends on his mood,” Halamka said.

Unity Farm is a non-profit sanctuary so any Christmas tree donations are greatly appreciated as long as they are safe for the animals.

“The trees need to be from small farms, local ideally, organic is the best,” Halamka said. “We can’t accept any trees that might have come from a big box store. We have to take it on faith that the people who drop off their trees have been listening to us.”

You can drop off your trees at 17 Unity Lane in Sherborn.


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